Wednesday 14 November 2018

yoni steamin blow -off

why do i get the feeling some women are just sucking each others' dicks on fb re their worthy ..shares [ used to be charidy work - but these days u just have to click an area on a devive to show how hallowed u r ] . One could say "blowin smoke up their asses" .. both expressions are relevant as feminists insist on using male terms and do practice yoni steaming and such goddess practices involve lesbian orgies too ..just saying - clever u .. so what? -Its actually sad that u find alternatives to natural sex and is noteworthy that u seek for it to be a rod to goad us men with .. [ showing that u have an axe to grind re relationship failures and are not as hallowed and understanding as u make out but vengeful spoilt princesses- and here is another thing - these goddess covens fall out and are traumatised by toxic women in their communities [each other] and have the narcissistic blinkered gall to blame men for their inability to hold down a relationship on men!  [narcs always blame others]