Wednesday 14 November 2018

yoni steamin blow -off

why do i get the feeling some women are just sucking each others' dicks on fb re their worthy ..shares [ used to be charidy work - but these days u just have to click an area on a devive to show how hallowed u r ] . One could say "blowin smoke up their asses" .. both expressions are relevant as feminists insist on using male terms and do practice yoni steaming and such goddess practices involve lesbian orgies too ..just saying - clever u .. so what? -Its actually sad that u find alternatives to natural sex and is noteworthy that u seek for it to be a rod to goad us men with .. [ showing that u have an axe to grind re relationship failures and are not as hallowed and understanding as u make out but vengeful spoilt princesses- and here is another thing - these goddess covens fall out and are traumatised by toxic women in their communities [each other] and have the narcissistic blinkered gall to blame men for their inability to hold down a relationship on men!  [narcs always blame others]

Sunday 23 September 2018

victorians de-animalise

when the sun comes out ..all animals mammals birds ..horses ..all start washing ..publicly - we do not .. well I do as I am all for natural law and decided to follow my natural urges .. and not be swayed by social convention

this shaming .. coincided it seems with the rise of animal pettery in victorian times when someone coos at how an animal does x / y  .. they are..well itz as far as they are allowed to go .. only watch ... we r shamed out of our instincts as victorians thought selves ABOVE animals  given our industrialisation -   we have backlashed against that arrogance many of us [ not all] BUT not recognised this aspect and carry that legacy in social  upbringing

 a child raised by wolves would no doubt scratch pick its nose and spit on his arms to wash ..

Friday 13 April 2018

middle of england

I am a middle of the road middle class Englishman I sympathise neither with Nazi or jewish doctrine .. I however see  leanings within my peers that would suit a Nazi regime had it not been smeared by its opponent the Jewish community ..people like to know where they stand what the  rules are and that they can vilify and exercise anybody who crosses these very clear and firm Lines ..the Jews however like to undermine any kind of solid establishment within any country by discrediting the figureheads tempting them with sexual favours and generally lowering the moral standards so that anybody can be Lent on and so they can gain power.. in my opinion

Wednesday 11 April 2018

all wars r banking - bbc jews

moneylenders oppose a left wing government which may be un-bribe-able .. and FOR the people .. not for the fat cats .. and moneylenders .. hence we see the smearing of Corbyn ..

see blog re disproportionate jewish representation in bbc .. [kuenssberg not sacked for fake news against corbyn ... and the rest ]

If u believe it then U will get more being ruled by money-men .. itz not rocket science

if not letz hold the bbc to account for bias .. [we are paying for the bbc to spin us lies ..into our own front rooms under the banner of !"good old aunty beeb " at least u can rely on SOMEONE to tell us the truth ..

allwars are banking - Syria /Putin

politix lecture .. in my head ...
Been listening to humanitarian aid workers in Syria reporting FOR YEARS of attrocities..death ..injustice ..families wiped out ...residential areas barrel-bombed by Assad forces ..on and on ..and NOTHING . in fact..we assisted Assad by bombing I.S. y now suddenly are we attacking Assad? read between the lines ...Putin has cut out the moneylenders (in issuing his cryptorouble) ..he must go ( he backs Assad) ...the spy thing (false flag ) nearly worked ...all the countries run by banks agreed to evictvdiplomats ...that softened up public opinion ... watch and learn

So today class we have an ideal opportunity to test our historical Theory which I am sure you have all been studying with great relish over the last few days... that of senor Rivero which posits that all wars are banking driven
so today is move towards military action against Syria ..can anybody suggest what might be behind that?
yes ..Jones at the back there

well sir since as you pointed out Putin has cut out the money lenders (and an excuse for war in the form of the skripal poisoning was a non starter in terms of trying to remove Putin from power) tthe bankers have now turned to Syria( an area of the Arab Spring which was totally left to his own devices because it had no element of banking advantage ) however now given that the Russians are backing the Syrian regime, to oppose this would set the countries ruled by private central Banks against the required target of Russia.
a thank you Jones that's a very plausible argument ...what do you all think? class

we hear that to attack Assad would be to assist what they are now calling Salafists - Jihadists .. muslim extremists ..Al quaida .. I.S or whatever .. anyway we should keep a careful eye on how they justify and frame this stance .. [ bearing in mind it is irrelevant to bankers .. the end goal is to Oust Putin ] ... ok letz watch ..

Sunday 8 April 2018

Most wars are bankers' wars

If u me find ranting on facebook about injustices, wrings etc. satisfying but also wish to DO something ..please read this and add your weight to the movement if you concur . Basicly much of war is puppeteering by money men a currency that shuts them out is proposed for uk No suprise about bankers you say .. but it is quite an interesting read - here is a synopsis of All wars are bankers wars by a senor rivero It is mainly from usa perspective as writer is American citizen and USA has recently been central to this topic Summary : [needs editing - apologies what it is ... bank notes are I.O.U's .. promisary notes .. issued by a chap who was trusted given his colaterol and his reputation .. he is a moneylender .. a loan shark .. he got bigger and called himself a a privately owned national bank and named such as federal reserve and bank of england .. ? check this . He charges INTEREST on his loans .. his IOU's pay for the privilege .. it is not just a way of not having to carry loads and loads of chickens on a train when you go buy a car .. ie it is not just a token ... it is a loan So down the centuries people have tried to get back to pure token systems and cut these moneylenders out of the loop . lincoln introduced the "greenback" note .. he was assassinated and the note abolished .. JFK .. same ..his was called the "united states note" I did not get it .. now I do . positive money have seen to "opportunity" [ I thought it already existed - I was so naive] to introduce a straight digital TOKEN .. and here is the link to the petition . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- further reading .. see All wars are bankers wars by a senor rivero synopsis by yours truly here : down history ... american revol lincoln then jfk and all down America's history - there were those whom appreciated that freedom fro dependance of privately owned national banks was fundamental to breaking fro the faults and failures of euopean culture from which the founding fathers were fleeing . Added to thes folk we can add William McKinley - also assassinated [ see a pattern?] Remember the banking crisis - what the underlying thing was .. lenders lending what they didnt have . sub-prime was a part of that - in that case disguising shakey colaterol in complex bundles of assets . it has been happening since jewish moneylenders set set up tables [ from where the word bank derives] in the synagogues [ that jesus Christ got so ranty about] or in the piazzas of vienna or muslim towns where charging interest on a loan is forbidden in the qu'ran [spelt?] very wisely imho - pakistanis buy shops etc in ik by families clubbing together to lend without interest ..just cos they like to all help each other . Lenders lending what they dont have[ and charging interest on it] : more examples ... .. since ww2 usa gold assets no longer held water .. - this was the leverage that banking system could use to force the dollar [I.O.U's ] to be used in gold trading oooh what a neat trick .. they then turned to oil as the justification for this dollar monopoly [ many moneylenders exiled from germany in ww2 found their way to the U.S.A.btw - and a large motivator for world war 2 was to remove Nazis as they had . yep you guessed it achieved the "german economic miracle" in 1938 [when Hitler was Time magazine's man of the year and even Lloyd george praised him ] .. by shutting out interest-charging moneylenders .. Von Brown set up national lending system for industry with which to rebuild .. from the depression wher people were burning cash for heating as it was cheaper than coal to prosperity beyond their conquerors of 1918 woodrow wilson quote .. 1919 .. timing .. tbc ...back to oil war post gold .. hence the interest in Saddam Hussein not occupying kuwait and then suddenly AFTER that [ USA were happy with him fiscally apart fro the little kuwait iassue .. until ] he opted out of the dollar monopoly unwritten rule !!oops .. suddenly regime change is necessary Its like an overhead projector transparency - overlay banking issues onto chronology of war death massacre etc and BINGO it all makes sense a pdf for your delectation: now "eco" land pledged as colaterol in place of gold / oil [ over a quarter of USA supposed [national park or some such fiddle ---------------------------------------------------------------- appendix - 2 positive money .. email Phil, there’s just 7 days left to add your name to the statement below, before it’s delivered to Nicky Morgan and a powerful group of MPs. Please will you sign it now? Click the image below - it takes less than 30 seconds: This is not a proposal to abolish physical cash. We believe our ability to use notes and coins should be protected. [1] If the Bank of England were to issue digital cash, it would mean: We’d all have access to a safe form of electronic money without having to rely on a high street bank The Government wouldn’t need to bail out “too big to fail” banks, because money stored at the Bank of England would be risk-free [2] Billions worth of subsidies to banks would be removed [3] The payments system would be protected It would reduce the concentration of power that is currently held by a few large banks The Treasury Select Committee - eleven MPs headed up by Nicky Morgan, who monitor the Bank of England and Treasury’s policies - have started an inquiry into the role of digital currencies. Whilst some MPs on the Committee are already sympathetic to what we’ve got to say, there are a few more who need to be convinced. If the committee recommended the introduction of Digital Cash, it would be a big step towards a money system that supports a fairer and more democratic economy. The inquiry is open until the end of next week. Moments like this don’t come around often. That’s why Positive Money is moving fast to make the most of this rare opportunity. We’re making two submissions to the inquiry: A comprehensive dossier of evidence from the Positive Money research team A statement signed by thousands of (extra!)ordinary people like you Over 3,000 of us have signed this statement already. But if every person reading this email adds their name today, we’d have over 5,000 voices calling for a fairer, more democratic and sustainable money system. This isn’t something MPs are used to hearing about from lots of people! So please, Phil, add your name today, by clicking the button and typing in your name: Watch our short video: Do you have any doubts, concerns or questions about digital cash and the statement? We will be hosting a Facebook LIVE Q&A on Tuesday 10th April at 1pm, where we will address a number of questions put to us by our supporters. If you have any questions, please drop them in the comments on the video above, Tweet using #PositiveMoneyLive or reply to this email. Thanks for being part of our call for change, David, Fran, Sophie and the rest of the Positive Money team [1] New report: The future of cash [2] The Bank of England’s ability to create money means that it can never fail [3] Exposed: The banks’ £23bn hidden subsidy -------- secret quiet appendix Hitler apologists Some say that .. since we know that history is written by the winners and that those with a vested interest in smearing a system and political wotsit that advocating cutting jews out of the "skim money off the top of every major transaction" loop and who have ample resoursces to spin news and history .. mightb embelish a bit . In war .. citizens of the enemy are incarcerated .. when under siege populations run short of food and become skinny .. the prisoners are the lowest priority in surival terms .. and may starve .. euthenasia might be preferable to slow death . WE - the allies starved them remember . The numbers of dead were huge but exagerated .. photos of piles of bodies are always shocking . WAR causes this and we partook of it jusrt as piles of dead German soldiers in trenches . I couldn't possibly comment . As I know what people are like ..once wedded to a hate of a baddy . [ which PR men know well and aim for . It is how to motivate people to die for you after all . Apologies for the rough and readiness of this script .. I do have other things to do unfortunately - this i fit into my pre-breakfast slot . and what is point of polishing the furiture on the TITANIC WHEN WE SHOULD BE URGING THE CAPTAIN TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE DANGERS FACING US ALL ..AND OUR CHILDREN XX OOPS LOK BUT FUKKIT XX

Wednesday 14 March 2018

So it looks as if I have created this blog the fact that I've called it unsayable says all you need to know about how I feel about saying stuff.. I just been watching Dr Helen Smith discussing a few years ago in fact how hard it is for men to speak out even a movement that has created a huge amount of momentum gets attacked by the feminist movement but hey ho I think a crucial point is that men need to start venturing into the world thus far dominated by women ...that is of dialogue itself ..we need to get better at clever talking because there are some very very clever and manipulative media dwellers and I've only recently accepted the extent to which they can actually call a spade a spaceship and really mean the lie ... the techniques of sincerity they use are so convincing. It is testimony to men's decency in fact that they don't want to believe such malice could dwell within a woman because at heart men are all optimists and want to enjoy women and if this sort of thing is going on it makes women most unenjoyable. It is therefore ironic that the greatest thing aiding the mal-intending woman feminist is the decency optimism and in fact love of women of the men that they seek to f*** over ..perhaps similar to the naivity of seal pups who are not wary of humans before they are clubbed to death. And please dont defend these Sociopaths just because u share the same gender ladies..we men dont defend Hitler on that basis so u dont do so either please ..or we will lose respect for you. Similarly attacks by us on those who are giving femenism a bad name does not make us anti-femenist. What in summary is ...male sociopaths made feminism necessary ..female sociopaths are ruining it. Dont lerz attack EACH OTHER ..for both of these wrongs ...lerz get it clear . We (malists ) and feminists should ally v abusers of any description .imho xx namaste